Tag Archive: Bath Festivals

  1. Bath Kids Lit Super Fans! Maddy McGlynn

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    As part of Bath Children’s Literature Festival’s 10th Birthday celebrations we have invited a few of our biggest fans to describe some of their favourite memories from festivals past and what they’re looking forward to this year. This week’s blog is from fantasy fiction enthusiast Maddy McGlynn…

    Literature is discovered by passionate readers of all ages and children are some of the most passionate of them all. As soon as I read my first words and was able to write my first letters, I have loved the worlds we can create from our imaginations.

    I remember going to the huge selection of events offered by the Bath Children’s Literature Festival as there’s nothing (and still isn’t anything quite like) the anticipation and excitement of meeting one of your idols, with the book you have spent the last few days with clutched in your hand. The whole room is alive with other excited children and of course parents, who have devoured the story this author is about to tell. The volunteers step up, announce the literary celebrity and the author arrives on stage.

    It is incredible. Hearing how stories are formed and how they become these incredible tales of adventure was incredibly inspirational. As a young teenager hearing these authors speak about their books at the Bath Children’s Literature Festival confirmed to me one thing; that one day I would become a published author. It is a dream I’m still working on.

    I have met some great authors and one that particularly sticks in my mind is Joanne Harris and her brilliant book Runemarks, a fantasy world where Norse Gods exist. I have always loved fantasy, I have always loved Vikings so I jumped at the chance to get to learn more about her writing processes and inspirations. Plus, the main character was also called Maddy, a fact I made sure to let Joanne Harris know when she was signing my copy.

    That’s another fantastic thing; the chance the festival gives you to interact and meet with all these wonderful authors and I still have memories of meeting a huge number of authors all the years the festival has been on. I am super excited this year to meet some big names including David Walliams and Melinda Salisbury. There’s always so many exciting events going on and so much choice – meaning the red booklet becomes a mess of pen as you circle all the events you want to see.

    The festival has been a huge part of growing up and continues to inspire me as not just a reader, but as a writer. I have seen how an author can enchant audiences with the magic of words and now I want to do the same.

    Thanks again,

    Maddy McGlynn

    Maddy’s recommendation for this year’s Bath Children’s Literature Festival:

    Melinda Salisbury

  2. Bath Kids Lit Super Fans! Oscar Speigal

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    As part of Bath Children’s Literature Festival’s 10th Birthday celebrations we have invited a few of our biggest fans to describe some of their favourite memories from festivals past and what they’re looking forward to this year. This week’s blog is from Horrid Henry fan Oscar Speigal…

    Oscar Speigal

    “I think I am lucky, because every year I get the chance to go to the Bath Kids Lit Fest with my mum and dad. And because I live in Bath, I don’t have to get up really early.

    I like reading alot and I also like chocolate but I’m not allowed to eat chocolate that often but I can read everyday which inspiring.  I have started to write my own book which is called ‘Dairy of a Bad Kid’. I have written 5 pages.

    Every year the brochure arrives at my school and I look through it to see who is going to be there.  I really like the Bath Kids Lit Fest because they always chose my favourite authors.

    I also like it because I always see my friends there and we talk in class about who we’re seeing.  My friends have told me about authors they like, and through them I’ve found new books that I had enjoyed.

    I have been going to the festival for four years and my favourite event was meeting Francesca Simon because I got my picture taken with Horrid Henry.

    This year I am going to see David Walliams and an Astronaut which is very exciting.”

    By Oscar Speigal, aged 8.

    Oscar’s recommendation for this year’s Bath Children’s Literature Festival:

    Astronaut Chris Hadfield

  3. Bath Kids Lit Super Fans! Lily Stanley

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    As part of Bath Children’s Literature Festival’s 10th Birthday celebrations we have invited a few of our biggest fans to describe some of their favourite memories from festivals past and what they’re looking forward to this year. This week’s blog is from Lily Stanley…

    Lily Stanley

    Hi my name is Lily Stanley and just like the Bath Children’s Literature Festival I am nearly 10 years old.  My mum works for Waterstones who support the Festival by selling lots of books at the events and sometimes I get to help which is really fun.

    The first event that I can remember going to was Zoe and Beans-Pants on the moon.  I love the illustrations in both Chloe and Mick Inkpen books.  I also remember going to a Philip Ardagh event. He kept talking about beards a lot and he was a very funny storyteller.

    My favourite event last year was Sam and Mark because they got some of the audience up on stage for a quiz which was entertaining.  I hope they do that again this year.  I can’t wait to see David Walliams because he always makes me laugh and Chris Riddell because I love the Ottoline and Goth Girl books – I have them all!

    See Lily’s favourite authors this October:

    Chris Riddell

    Sam & Mark

  4. Photo of the Day: Saturday 27 September

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    The Telegraph Bath Children’s Literature Festival started with a brilliant-bonkers quiz yesterday. Our hosts for the evening were the hilarious Andy Stanton and Festival Founder John McLay, and we had some super-keen audience members ready to step up to the challenge!

    Photograph credit: Julian Foxon Photography


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    The Learning and Participation team at Bath Festivals is thrilled to announce that they have been awarded a Good Practice Centre Award by Arts Award.

    Bath Festivals has been recognised as a national centre of good practice for its work with children and young people. As well as producing its three major festivals, Bath International Music Festival, The Independent Bath Literature Festival and The Telegraph Bath Children’s Literature Festival, Bath Festivals also runs a busy year round Learning and Participation programme.

    Belinda Kidd, Chief Executive of Bath Festivals says:
    “This is a fantastic endorsement of the quality of Bath Festivals’ learning and participation programme. We’re really proud of the young people who’ve won Arts Awards through their involvement with our projects, and it will be great to help even more young people gain this important recognition of their achievement in the future.”

    The Good Practice Award recognises the work Bath Festivals does to support young people working towards their Arts Awards, a national scheme to recognise the achievements of young people in engaging with the arts.

    Bath Festivals engages with thousands of young people every year, by running the largest dedicated children’s literature festival in Europe, and by delivering a host of education projects across all three of its festivals, and year round. Activities include enlisting a team of Young Curators from Wellsway School in Keynsham to help programme and present events at the Telegraph Bath Children’s Literature Festival, working alongside best-selling children’s authors, and offering musical opportunities to young people in challenging circumstances across Bath & NE Somerset and South Gloucestershire as part of the Building Bridges project.

    Arts Award’s unique qualifications support young people to develop as artists and arts leaders. The programme develops their creativity, leadership and communication skills. Open to anyone aged 7 to 25, Arts Award embraces all interests and backgrounds. Through working towards an award young people learn to work independently, helping them to prepare for further education and employment.

    Good Practice Centres are chosen from a range of sectors, including schools, youth and community centres and the arts and cultural sector.

    Louise Betts, Bath Festivals Learning & Participation Manager says:
    “We are delighted to have been selected as an Arts Award Good Practice Centre and look forward to working with more young people over the coming year to help them explore the arts and achieve their Arts Awards. We’re grateful to all the supporters who help to fund this vital work, and also to all the other local arts organisations we work with including The Holburne Museum, the egg theatre and Suited and Booted Studios, and partners such as B&NES youth service, the library service, Bath Spa University and many others.”  

    Notes for Editors:

    1. About Bath Festivals

    Bath Festivals believes that festivals lift the soul and raise the spirit, make people feel good about the place they live in, and contribute significantly to the economy. Our leading music and literature festivals make the most of the world heritage city of Bath. We bring inventive, memorable and popular events to our many different audiences. We deliver inspiring work with children and young people, and provide support to the arts in our local area.

    Bath Festivals produces the Bath International Music Festival, the Telegraph Bath Children’s Literature Festival and the Independent Bath Literature Festival, delivers a year round learning and participation programme for children and young people, and runs the Bath Box Office, serving over 120 other cultural organisations in and around Bath.

    Bath Festivals earns a significant part of its income from box office sales and sponsorship, and, since the creation of the music festival in 1948, has also relied on grants, donations, and charitable giving in order to secure its national and international reputation and the contribution it brings to Bath’s creative and cultural life. Bath Festivals is currently funded by Arts Council England through its National Portfolio programme and also receives support from Bath and North East Somerset Council. 

    2. About Arts Award and Trinity College London

    Arts Award supports young people to develop as artists and arts leaders. Young people aged 7-25 of all abilities and interests can gain an Arts Award through any arts, media or cultural activity. Through Arts Award, children and young people can get recognition for their artistic achievements and enjoyment of the arts.

    Arts Award has five levels*, four of which are accredited on the QCF (Qualifications and Credit Framework). The award assesses personal creative development and helps to prepare young people for further education and employment. Young people develop their art form knowledge and understanding, alongside their creative, communication and leadership skills. Trained Arts Award advisers (usually a professional artist, teacher or youth worker) support young people to achieve their aspirations. For more information about Arts Award, call 020 7820 6178 or visit www.artsaward.org.uk

    Arts Award is managed by Trinity College London in association with Arts Council England working with 10 regional Bridge organisations.

    Trinity College London is a leading international examinations board that delivers over 500,000 assessments each year. Recognised by Ofqual, Trinity College London examinations extend across music, drama, and into English for speakers of other languages, with assessment at every level from beginner to higher-level qualifications. For more information on Trinity College London, telephone 020 7820 6100 or visit www.trinitycollege.co.uk

    * Gold is accredited at QCF 3 Level (which also carries 35 UCAS tariff points), Silver at Level 2, Bronze at Level 1 and Explore at Entry Level 3. Arts Award Discover is an introductory level which is not accredited on the QCF.

    3. About Arts Council England

    The Arts Council champions, develops and invests in artistic and cultural experiences that enrich people’s lives. We support a range of activities across the arts, museums and libraries – from theatre to digital art, reading to dance, music to literature, and crafts to collections. Great art and culture inspires us, brings us together and teaches us about ourselves and the world around us. In short, it makes life better. Between 2011 and 2015, we will invest £1.4 billion of public money from government and an estimated £1 billion from the National Lottery to help create these experiences for as many people as possible across the country. www.artscouncil.org.uk

    A downloadable version of this press release is available here.