Bath Kids Lit Super Fans! Oscar Speigal
As part of Bath Children’s Literature Festival’s 10th Birthday celebrations we have invited a few of our biggest fans to describe some of their favourite memories from festivals past and what they’re looking forward to this year. This week’s blog is from Horrid Henry fan Oscar Speigal…
“I think I am lucky, because every year I get the chance to go to the Bath Kids Lit Fest with my mum and dad. And because I live in Bath, I don’t have to get up really early.
I like reading alot and I also like chocolate but I’m not allowed to eat chocolate that often but I can read everyday which inspiring. I have started to write my own book which is called ‘Dairy of a Bad Kid’. I have written 5 pages.
Every year the brochure arrives at my school and I look through it to see who is going to be there. I really like the Bath Kids Lit Fest because they always chose my favourite authors.
I also like it because I always see my friends there and we talk in class about who we’re seeing. My friends have told me about authors they like, and through them I’ve found new books that I had enjoyed.
I have been going to the festival for four years and my favourite event was meeting Francesca Simon because I got my picture taken with Horrid Henry.
This year I am going to see David Walliams and an Astronaut which is very exciting.”
By Oscar Speigal, aged 8.
Oscar’s recommendation for this year’s Bath Children’s Literature Festival:
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