Tag Archive: holly smale


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    The Telegraph Bath Children’s Literature Festival begins on Friday 25th September (through to Sunday 4th October) I’m incredibly excited to be part of it for the first time it this year. It’s something that has been on my bookish bucket list for a while but I’ve been unable to fulfil – UNTIL NOW.

    And when I check things off my bucket list, I do it in style. 😉

    Come the 25th September I’ll be on the train heading straight for the wonderful city of Bath and all the magical literary excitement that awaits. I’ve managed to secure the entire week off work and plan to enjoy my first Children’s Literature Festival to its fullest.

    There are so many things that I can’t wait to see/attend (it’s at these times that you really wish you could make copies of yourself to experience it all). Here are just a few of the things I’m looking forward to:

    Patrick Ness by Helen Giles

    Seeing Patrick Ness again, The Big Cuddle with Michael Rosen and Chris Riddell (which looks too cute for words). Bath Picks 2015 with Sarah Crossan, Sarah Benwell and Virginia Bergin. Then there is Holly Smale who I first met at her very first book launch.

    Michael Rosen hi res

    I’m also really interested to see how The Daily Telegraph’s Diversity Debate goes. Diversity in books is very important to me so I will be paying extra close attention to this one.


    And because I’m fortunate in having the opportunity to review events I get to attend things like Anna Wilson’s Alice in Wonderland Journey or Make Your Own Colouring Book sans child and still have all the fun.

    Countdown begins now…

    Blog written by:

    Luna’s Little Library has been a successful book blog for 3 ½ years. In that time I have read and reviewed over 500 books, from children’s, YA to Adult. There are no plans to stop any time soon.

    This year Luna’s Little Library was shortlisted both for Champion of Diversity in YA and Champion of Content in the 2015 UKYA Blogger Awards.

    Twitter: @lunaslibrary



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    The Bath Kids Lit Festival was the first literature festival I ever attended – who am I kidding, it was the first festival of any kind I’ve ever attended.  I first popped along in 2013, in the festival’s 6th year having arranged to meet up with someone who I’d been trying to meet for well over a year.

    The festival became the first time I’d spoken to an author (in fact several) and the year it clicked that authors are people too, people that just so happen to have similar interests – the only real difference is they have the ability to craft stories that will take you on magical adventures, experience powerful emotions, make you cry and make you jump up and shout yes! And there lies the beauty of the Bath Kids Lit Fest, in it’s 9th year it’s still making it possible to meet your favourite authors and listen to what they have to say, bringing in the well known authors like Jacqueline Wilson, James Dawson and Holly Smale.

    As well as showcasing new and upcoming talent – I’m particularly looking forward to for instance Bath Picks: Sarah Benwell, Sarah Crossan and Virgina Bergin. And that’s not all – for aspiring writers there are panels about writing for young people and panels about Writing Doctor Who and for film.  Not to mention the Shaun the Sheep modelling workshops (had to give those a shout out!), Pugs from Sarah McIntyre and Philip Reeve, mystery and bun breaks from Elen Caldetcott and Robin Stevens.

    This years programme is so good the only downside is how you’re going to fit it all in!

    Echoing the online UKYA and UKMG communities the Bath Kids Lit Fest brings together a passionate group of people in a celebration of children’s literature.  Readers (both young and not so), writers, illustrators, publishers – in fact anyone with an interest in children’s publishing and books will find something for them. All set in and around the beautiful buildings like the Guildhall which make Bath and the Telegraph Bath Children’s Literature Festival such a special and exciting place to be.

    Jesse Owen

    To follow Jesse’s twitter the visit https://twitter.com/ThatJesseBloke

    or visit his website on http://www.thatjessebloke.co.uk/