Young Curator Diary: Day 5
Alice concludes the Young Curator diaries with an entry summarising their final day:
Friday 4th October
Young Curators Blog
by Alice
First thing today we made the long uphill walk to the Royal High School. We then walked around the site to their sports hall, assumed our positions around the grounds and guided other schools to the venue. After everyone had arrived David Almond began his event.
He described how he decided to become an author then took questions from the audience. After everyone had left and the event had finished we went back to the Guildhall.
After lunch we went for a tour of the Roman Baths which was very interesting and educational. We went around the museum and also behind the scenes. We saw all the exhibits that weren’t ready for public viewing yet.
After that we walked back to the Guildhall and finished our marketing projects then presented them. Then we gave Lou her present and card and she gave us a signed copy of Skellig which David then personalised. Overall it has been an amazing week and I have been privileged to work on the festival.
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