That’s All For Now from Bath Children’s Literature Festival 2022!
What a festival we’ve had! There was so much love for stories, for writers, for illustrators and, most of all for all those young book fans who came and made the Bath Children’s Literature Festival such a huge success.
We had so many of your favourite writers and personalities visiting our festival over its ten days of magic. The Banqueting Room in the Guildhall was packed with fans to hear comedian Richard Ayoade, talking about his first book for children. And there was a huge outpouring of affection from the legions of Heartstopper fans for the creator of the smash-hit series, Alice Oseman.
Award-winning illustrator Rob Biddulph held the biggest ever live Draw With Rob session in The Forum, with mums and dads getting stuck in to having fun alongside their kids. There was more drawing fun with Tom Gates’ creator Liz Pichon. And the littlest festival goers enjoyed a singing and dancing session with colour and fun led by Mama G and Elmer the patchwork elephant.
We explored the beautiful continent of India with Jasbinder Bilan and Nina Chakrabati. We found out about animals who have become extinct with Professor Ben Garrod and were entranced by the power of poetry in the excellent company of Waterstones Children’s Laureate Joseph Coelho in conversation with Matt Goodfellow and Alex Wharton.
We found joy with comedian Rosie Jones, who made us all feel part of her gang and our imaginations went on adventures with M.G. Leonard, Emma Carroll and Patrice Lawrence.
We were so pleased to see so many happy faces at the festival. Thank you for being part of Europe’s biggest children’s book festival and we’ll see you again next year.
Don’t forget to share your thoughts with us in this year’s survey, it only takes a few minutes and you could win a year’s membership and a bundle of festival books!
Til we see you again – keeeep reading!!
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