Bath Festivals Back in Time…
We made a very exciting discovery in the Bath Festivals office recently – photographic films from past festivals!
Although we can’t tell exactly when these images were taken, a few clues tell us that they range from the 1970s to the 1990s! Such as this lady enjoying a Bath Festival programme outside the Royal Crescent in 1974.
Or this colourful banner from Bath International Music Festival 1995.
We’re pleased to see our children’s programme was still thriving at past events, like the children’s concert at the Guildhall.
Or this adorable Womble in the gardens!
You might recognise the balloon fiesta on the Royal Crescent…
Or the beautiful view from the Kite Festival at the top of Victoria Park…
And we can recognise some of our venues, like the Holburne Museum
and the Assembly Rooms!
With our 75th anniversary coming up, we’ve enjoyed looking back at all the festivals, events and audiences. If you have any photographs or memorabilia from past festivals, please get in touch! Email us info@bathfestivals.org.uk.
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